Ayah, Bolehkah…
~Tuhan, bolehkah aku meminta waktu yang lalu? Aku rindu pada utusan-Mu yang selalu menjagaku.~

“Ah elah susah amat sih tadi kuisnya.”
“Eh tadi lu pelit amat sih ngga ngasih gua contekan.”
“Yuk ah cabut. Parah nih otak gua udah berasep banyak.”
“Main dulu ke rumah gua yuk. Gua baru beli alat-alat make-up baru nih. Kita bikin review buat blog gua.”
Keadaan kelas itu begitu gaduh. Semua orang yang di dalamnya bersiap-siap mengemasi barang dan mulai pergi satu persatu. Namun ada satu orang yang masih terdiam. Ia tertunduk melihat meja putihnya yang menjadi buram. Satu kedipan matanya sukses membuat aliran bening mengalir ke pipi yang berkulit sawo matang itu. Achazia Adya dengan cepat mengusap air matanya. Hari ini, tepat tanggal 18 Oktober adalah ulang tahun ayahnya yang ke-64. Namun ia tidak mau pulang. Ia tidak mau merasakan keheningan yang menyeramkan.
“Zia, lu mau ikut cabut sama kita ga?” tanya Adit sang ketua kelas sebelum berangkat.
“Gua nyusul aja ya. Ada urusan dulu bentar. Nanti lu kasih tau gua aja posisi dimana. Oke?”
-20 September 2015-
Zia merapikan alat tulisnya yang berserakan di atas meja. Sesekali ia melihat jam tangannya seakan terburu-buru. Jadwalnya setelah pulang kuliah ini adalah pergi belanja untuk mempersiapkan pesta kelulusan bersama teman-temannya saat tingkat satu.
“Yap gua belum telat.” ujar Zia sembari menyelempangkan tas berwarna coklatnya.
Ia berjalan terburu-buru menyusuri lorong dan turun lewat tangga. Entah sudah ada berapa orang yang tak sengaja ia tabrak. Intinya ia tidak boleh telat. Sebab ini adalah pesta yang pastinya akan menyenangkan. Apalagi jika mengingat Clarynta Dwi ikut dalam acara ini. Seorang gadis yang menurut Zia paling cantik di kelas. Maka tak menutup kemungkinan banyak sekali lelaki yang menyukai Aryn, Zia adalah salah satunya. Dan malam ini, Zia akan mempersiapkan suatu kejutan spesial untuk Aryn.
“Untung aja belum gua tinggal. Cepet masuk.” teriak Anton saat melihat Zia berlari menuju parkiran.
“Iya tadi gua telat bubar. Biasalah dosennya demen liat muka gua. Betah dia.”
“Sepik mulu lo, basi. Pasang seatbelt. Kita jemput dulu yang lain di perempatan sana.”
Anton menggas mobilnya menyusuri jalanan Jakarta yang cukup lenggang pada siang itu. Mereka bercerita tentang kelas barunya masing-masing. Sesekali mereka tertawa bersama mengingat kejadian di saat mereka masih satu kelas.
“Eh tuh mereka nunggu disana. Kasih lampu sen dulu gih jangan kaya angkot.” ucap Zia sambil menunjuk ke arah kiri jalan. Di sana sudah ada 2 orang lelaki berdiri. Indra yang menggunakan kacamata dan satu lagi Bobby yang rambutnya gondrong.
“Buru naik lu berdua.” teriak Anton saat mobilnya sudah berada di bahu jalan. Dengan segera Indra membuka pintu belakang dan masuk kedalam. Diikuti oleh Bobby yang langsung mendorong Indra.
“Eh santai aja kali. Rusak tuh jok gua gegara lu pada.”
“Gua nunggu lama banget parah. Panas lagi. Coba deh lu yang nunggu sana.” celoteh Bobby sembari menyeka keringatnya.
“Berisik eh berisik. Mendingan mikir aja deh mau belanja apa aja nanti.” ujar Zia dan diikuti oleh senyuman tipis teman-temannya itu.
Anton mendorong trolly yang sudah hampir penuh setengahnya. Snack, kue, minuman bersoda, daging sapi, bumbu barbeque, kembang api dan banyak lagi barang yang mereka pilih. Siapapun yang melihat belanjaan mereka, sudah pasti tahu bahwa mereka akan menyiapkan sebuah pesta yang cukup menyenangkan.
Setelah di rasa cukup, Anton membawa belanjaannya itu ke kasir. Ia menyerahkan sebuah kartu untuk membayar belanjaannya. Anton memanglah orang yang paling royal. Jadi maklum saja jika berpergian dengan Anton kita tidak akan mengeluarkan uang sepeserpun.
“Rame nih pasti ntar malem.” ujar Indra sembari menaik-turunkan alilsnya.
“So pastilah.  Jangan ada yang ngga dateng ya ntar. Palingan gua mau pulang dulu bentar. Mandi terus minta ijin ke bokap.” sahut Zia sembari memasukkan lagi belanjaannya ke trolly.
“Ah so baik amat lu jadi anak. Biasanya juga langsung cabut aja, haha.” timpal Anton dengan sebuah pukulan cukup keras ke bahu Zia.
“Ya seengganya kan gua minta ijin aja. Lagian kalo gua nggak balik dulu, masa iya baju gua lusuh begini mau ketemu Aryn. Pokonya gua harus paling ganteng.”
“Selo aja kali Zi, ketara juga kok dia demennya sama lo. Mau saingan lo seberat kita pun kayanya Aryn tetep milih lo deh, haha.” ujar Bobby diikuti sikutan kecil pada Zia.
“Ya syukur deh kalo gitu. Ntar lu anter gua ke rumah dulu ya, Ton. Malemnya gua dateng sendiri kok, jam 8 kan?”
Zia memasuki rumahnya yang megah itu. Rumah ini memang sepi, mengingat ia adalah anak tunggal di keluarga ini. Ditambah lagi ibunya yang sudah meninggal karena penyakit kanker. Kejadian itu sekitar sepuluh tahun yang lalu. Entah saat Zia  berada di sekolah dasar atau sekolah menengah pertama. Ia tidak mau mengingat-ingat hal itu. Zia tidak mau lagi bersedih mengingat orang kesayangan pertamanya pergi meninggalkan dunia.
Zia melewati ruang tamu, ada ayahnya yang membaca koran ditemani dengan secangkir kopi. Semerbak kopinya bisa mengisi seluruh paru-paru Zia bahkan satu ruangan ini pun wangi kopi. Ayahnya memanglah pecinta kopi. Bagaimana tidak? Usaha sampingan ayahnya adalah sebagai pemilik kedai kopi yang cukup terkenal di Bandung. Maka dari itu terkadang ayahnya sering pergi meninggalkan Zia di Jakarta, sendiri.
Singkat. Seperti itulah percakapan rutin yang Zia dan ayahnya lakukan. Semenjak ibunya meninggal, Zia merasa bahwa ayah tidak pernah menyayanginya. Kewajiban ayah hanyalah memberi uang bulanan dan memberi uang study yang di butuhkan Zia. Zia masih menunggu respon lanjutan dari ayahnya. Namun nihil, ayahnya masih saja asyik membaca koran. Tidak menutupnya, bahkan melirik wajah Zia pun tidak. Zia kembali tersadar. Malam ini ia tidak boleh telat. Dengan cepat ia berjalan menaiki tangga dan bersiap masuk ke dalam kamarnya.
Setelah Zia mandi dan memilih baju yang cocok ia melihat lagi pantulan kacanya di cermin. Sudah cukup menurutnya. Perawakan Zia yang tinggi dengan kulit sawo matang dan memiliki warna mata coklat hazelnut membuat siapa pun akan terpikat pada pandangan elangnya. Mata tajam yang memicing itu ia dapatkan dari sang ayah. Sedangkan bentuk bibirnya yang lumayan tebal dan hidungnya yang cukup mancung ia dapatkan dari ibunya. Andai saja masih ada ibu disini, pasti Zia akan menceritakan rencana surprisenya untuk Aryn.
Zia memasang kancing yang terakhir di kemejanya. Kini ia sudah sangat siap. Zia memasangkan jam tangannya yang menunjukkan pukul 18.30. Satu jam adalah waktu yang cukup banyak untuk pergi ke rumah Anton, bahkan lebih. Zia memberikan beberapa semprot parfum yang beraroma mint itu. Siapapun yang menghirupnya pasti akan diresapinya dalam-dalam.
Zia menuruni tangga. Ada ayahnya yang masih memakai peci rapi dengan sarung dan baju kokonya sedang duduk menonton berita di TV. Zia menghampirinya duduk di sebelah ayahnya. Ntah ada angin apa di hari itu, Zia ingin sekali berbincang dengan ayahnya. Membicarakan hal lelaki yang biasanya anak dan ayah yang lain lakukan.
“Ayah, kapan lagi ke Bandung?” Zia membuka topik pembicaraan.
“Besok ayah pergi ke Bandung. Tumben kamu bertanya.” jawab ayahnya sembari mengecilkan volume TV. “Sudah rapi, mau kemana?”
“Aku ada acara sama teman tingkat satu, yah. Ini aku mau pergi.”
“Rumah Anton.”
“Anton? Yang waktu itu pernah kamu ajak ke rumah pas ayah pulang dari Bandung?”
“Iya, yang itu. Rumahnya agak jauh sih. Hampir masuk daerah Depok.” jelas Zia dengan singkat.
“Siapa aja yang dateng?”
“Temen anak kelas aku waktu tingkat satu. Mungkin sekitar 25 orang yang pasti ikut.” Zia mulai malas menanggapi pertanyaan ayahnya.
“Jam berapa acaranya?”
“Jam setengah delapan.”
“Tidak tentu juga. Tergantung.”
“Tidak boleh.”
Zia terdiam sejenak mendapat jawaban singkat dari ayahnya. Ia kesal, tetapi jika ia marah tidak akan menghasilkan apapun. Mungkin persiapannya ini akan menjadi berantakan jika dilawan dengan emosi.
“Tapi yah, ini hanya sekali. Kita bakar-bakaran aja kok. Ayah nggak usah khawatir.”
“Sekalinya ayah bilang tidak ya tidak!”
“Ayaaah!” Zia membentak ayahnya.
“Kamu ini nurut sama orang tua bisa nggak? Ayah kan sudah bilang, tidak boleh!” kini ayah Zia berdiri dari duduknya. Zia yang mulai terpancing emosi pun ikut berdiri dan menatap ayahnya dengan tajam. Kedua mata elang itu bertemu, saling menatap, tajam, dan menakutkan.
“Ayah, aku cuma mau seneng-seneng sebentar aja nggak boleh! Ayah kira aku nggak cape apa? Kuliah hampir setiap hari terus! Di rumah sepi setiap kali aku pulang, nggak ada yang urus aku yah! Nggak ada! Giliran aku mau seneng sama temen aku, ayah nggak pernah ngasih ijin! Ayah emangnya bisa buat aku seneng? Nggak kan yah?”
“Sekalinya ayah bilang tidak ya tidak, Adya! Kamu kira ayah pergi keluar kota itu untuk apa? Itu kan untuk kebahagiaanmu juga!”
“Aku nggak butuh uang yah! Aku butuh sosok ibu! Semenjak ibu meninggal, aku sendirian yah! Ayah kemana? Ayah nggak pernah bisa menjadi senyaman ibu! Aku pulang kuliah aja ayah nggak pernah nanya progress aku di kampus gimana kan? Ayah memang ngga pernah peduli sama aku! Ayah jahat! Ayah egois!”
Zia segera pergi keluar sebelum air matanya menetes. Untung saja ia sudah meminta Pak Udin untuk memanaskan mobil di depan rumah. Jadi dengan cepat Zia bisa menancap gas dan meninggalkan rumah yang menurutnya menyedihkan itu.
Zia memukul-mukul setirnya. Ia menggigit bibirnya mengeluarkan semua air mata yang selalu ia tahan untuk ibunya. Mengeluarkan air mata yang selalu ia tahan saat merasa sakit hati oleh ayahnya. Zia merasa bukanlah anak kandung ayahnya. Semenjak ibunya pergi, sudah hilang semua yang menyangi Zia. Tidak ada satupun di dunia ini. Termasuk ayahnya.
Zia semakin menekan pedal gasnya. Matanya buram dengan air yang menggenang. Sorot lampu depannya yang sangat silau diiringi suara klakson adalah hal terkahir yang ia ingat.
Tubuh Zia terlempar ke depan. Serpihan kaca membuat darah segar mengalir deras dari wajahnya yang tampan itu.
“Tut.. tut.. tut..”
“Halo. Dengan kediaman mas Achazia Adya? Ini dari Rumah Sakit Santosa. Achazia membutuhkan donor darah dan sepasang kornea mata. Baru saja ia kecelakaan mobil karena menghindari truk dari lawan arah.”
“Ya, saya akan pergi kesana.”
-18 Oktober 2015-
Zia menyusuri komplek pemakaman yang terlihat terawat itu. Ditangannya sudah ada dua bucket bunga yang baru saja ia beli di jalan. Napasnya semakin berat seiring langkahnya yang semakin mendekat. Kini ia sudah berada diantara kedua makam itu. Makam kedua orang tuanya. Keluarga intinya yang menghilang.
“Ayah selamat ulang tahun.” ucap Zia sembari meletakkan sebuah bucket diatas makam ayahnya. “Maaf Zia nggak bawa kue tiramisu kesukaan ayah. Anak kelas aku yang baru baik-baik kok.”
“Ibu, ini buat ibu.” Zia melakukan hal yang sama untuk makam yang satunya lagi. “Zia kangen sama masakan mamah. Apalagi sayur asemnya. Hehe.”
“Yah, ternyata jadi ayah sibuk banget ya. Hampir tiap minggu keluar kota terus. Zia baru ngerasain sekarang. Semenjak ayah nggak ada. Tapi Om Rio nemenin Zia terus kok. Jadi, Zia nggak terlalu bingung deh. Maafin Zia, yah. Zia suka nggak ngehargain usaha ayah.” Zia tersenyum, tangannya mengelus nisan  yang masih terlihat baru.
“Ibu, Zia juga minta maaf kalau Zia dulu nakal. Zia sering gangguin ibu waktu masak. Padahal kan  niatnya bantu ibu, tapi malah recokin masakan ibu. Ibu inget nggak, dulu zia pernah masukin kulit bawang ke dalam sop ayam? Terus sama ayah kemakan kulit bawangnya, haha.”
“Ayah..” Zia menarik napasnya dalam. “Terimakasih udah mempercayakan Zia untuk menitipkan mata ayah. Zia janji, nggak akan nangis dengan mata ayah yang kuat ini.”
Zia mengeluarkan selembar kertas dari saku kemejanya. Dibuka lagi lembaran itu, tulisan khas ayahnya yang rapi, apik dan agak miring itu tercetak diatasnya,
“Zia, waktu kamu membaca ini pasti ayah sudah tidak ada. Kamu harus jadi lelaki yang lebih kuat lagi setelah ayah pergi. Semua asset ayah sudah ayah pindahkan menjadi atas nama kamu. Om Rio akan membantu kamu perlahan-lahan. Dia akan mengajarkan kamu semuanya dari nol. Ayah percayakan kamu ke Om Rio ya. Semua surat berharga ayah simpan di kotak coklat yang ada di dalam lemari pakaian ayah. Ayah donorkan kornea mata ayah untuk kamu. Kamu lebih membutuhkannya daripada ayah. Jangan pernah mengeluarkan air matamu untuk hal yang sia-sia ya, nak. Ingat, kamu harus lebih kuat dari ayah dan ayah tahu pasti kamu bisa. Ayah tidak mau merepotkan kamu untuk ke depannya. Apalagi nanti ayah akan buta. Jadi ini jalan yang ayah ambil. Ayah donorkan semua organ ayah yang masih berfungsi baik dan ayah sudah disini, bersama ibu. Jangan pernah merasa kesepian, ayah dan ibu sayang sekali padamu, nak. Jangan pernah menganggap ayah tak peduli. Karena ayah sangat peduli padamu. Namun, pastinya cara ayah dan ibu tidak mungkin sama. Kamu tahu kenapa hampir setiap dosen memberikanmu tugas tambahan? Karena ayah yang memintanya, ayah ingin kamu sibuk mengerjakan tugas. Diam di rumah, walaupun terkadang ayah tak ada di rumah. Ayah sangat sayang padamu. Satu-satunya buah hati di rumah. Kamu segalanya untuk ayah. Maaf bila ayah tak bisa menjadi seorang ayah yang terbaik untukmu. Sekali lagi, ayah sangat menyayangimu Zia.”

Strategi Masuk ke Pasar Internasional

Kelebihan Ekspor

  1. Memperluas Pasar bagi produk Indonesia

Ekspor salah satu cara untuk memasarkan produk Indonesia ke pasar Internasional, sehingga produk yang dijual dikenal luas dan membuka banyak peluang pasar baru di berbagai negara.

  1. Menambah Devisa Negara

Dari Ekspor bisa menambah penerimaan devisa Negara, sehingga kekayaan negara bertambah karena Devisa Ekspor merupakan salah satu sumber penerimaan Negara.

  1. Memperluas Lapangan kerja

Dengan Ekspor, pasar barang dan jasa dari suatu negara menjadi lebih luas cakupannya, jumlah produk dan jasa yang dihasilkanpun bisa dilipatgandakan yang akibatnya permintaan terhadap tenaga kerja menjadi meningkat jumlahnya, sehingga dapat membuka banyak lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat.

  1. Transfer Teknologi

Perdagangan luar negeri memungkinkan suatu negara untuk mempelajari teknik produksi yang lebih effektive dan efisien dengan cara-cara manajemen yang lebih modern.

  1. Komoditas Berdaya Saing Tinggi

Produk-produk yang berbahan asli Indonesia dan mempunyai keunggulan tersendiri (absolute advantage) atau produk lain yang memiliki keunggulan komparatif (comparative advantage) memiliki peluang untuk pasar ekspor. Misalnya bahan-bahan seperti karet alam, kayu hutan tropis, agrobisnis, kerajinan dan lainnya, semua memiliki daya saing yang cukup tinggi di pasar ekspor.

Kelemahan Ekspor

  1. Menimbukan kelangkaan barang di dalam negeri

Tanpa pengaturan yang baik, ekspor bisa menimbulkan kelangkaan barang di dalam negeri.

  1. Menyebabkan eksploitasi besar – besaran sumber daya alam

Dengan adanya ekspor akan menyebabkan eksploitasi besar besaran terhadap sumber daya alam yang kita miliki.

Contoh Usaha Ekspor

  1. Wilmar Nabati Indonesia (pengekspor minyak sawit mentah/Crude Palm Oil). Berdasarkan data dari Kementerian Perindustrian, pada tahun 2011, sektor pengolahan kelapa/kelapa sawit memegang peranan sebesar 18,97 % dari total nilai ekspor di Indonesia, atau senilai dolar US. PT. Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, menurut MP Tumanggor (Komisaris PT. Wilmar Nabati Indonesia), memiliki nilai ekspor sebesar 7,9 miliar dolar US, atau 34 persen dari seluruh total nilai ekspor kelapa/kelapa sawit di Indonesia pada tahun 2011.



Kelebihan Pemberian Lisensi


  1. Kemudahan dan rendahnya biaya untuk memasuki sebuah pasar asing
    Pemberian lisensi tidak membutuhkan investasi ataupun pengetahuan serta kekuatan pemasaran di pasar asing. Licensor sebenarnya menggunakan manajemen, perlengkapan modal, dan pengetahuan licensee untuk mengeksploitasi pasar apa saja yang dilayani oleh licensee.
  2. Peluang untuk mengeksploitasi riset dan pengembangan yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya.
  3. Mengurangi risiko eksposur terhadap intervensi pemerintah
    Licensee biasanya merupakan perusahaan-perusahaan local yang dapat memberikan tuasan (leverage) terhadap tindakan pemerintah.
  4. Membantu untuk menghindari regulasi Negara tuan rumah yang lebih lazim dalam modal ventura
  5. Sebagai sebuah tahap dalam internasionalisasi perusahaan


Kelemahan Pemberian Lisensi

  1. Terbentuknya kompetitor potensial

Kurangnya pengawasan terhadap produksi dan pemasaran, kumungkinan eksplorasi pasar yang kurang lengkap dan kemungkinan pupusnya fleksibilitas karena sukar mengkoordinasikan licensee kedalam sebuah rencana pemasaran yang mendunia.

Dengan memberikan lisensi kepada sebuah perusahaan asing, perusahaan mungkin menghidupi seorang competitor di masa depan—seseorang yang memperoleh pengetahuan produksi dan teknologis.

  1. Terbatasnya hasil imbalan yang diberikannya

Meskipun tidak ada pengeluaran modal, royalty dan pendapatan dari pemberianlisensi tidaklah mudah didapat bagi licensor, yang mesti menginvestasikan waktu manajemen dan perekayasaan.

  1. Perkara pengendalian licensee

Walaupun kontrak harus menguraikan tanggungjawab dri kedua belah pihak, kesalahpahaman dan konflik dapat muncul dalam implementasinya. Kualitas produk yang tidak konsisten untuk semua Negara disebabkan oleh longgarnya kendali mutu dapat pula merusak reputasi sebuah sebuah produk atas basis dunia.

Contoh Usaha Pemberian Lisensi

  1. Disney Consumer Product (US$28,6 miliar setara Rp257,4 triliun)

Sekali lagi, Disney Consumer Products (Disney) tercatat sebagai perusahaan pemegang lisensi paling untung di dunia. Disney melaporan penjualan ritel dari produk berlisensi mencapai US$28,6 miliar (Rp257,4 triliun) pada tahun 2010 atau naik US$27,2 miliar (Rp244,8 triliun) dari tahun sebelumnya.


Sumber pemasukan Disney saat ini berasal dari waralaba lisensi Toy Stories yang meningkat seiring meledaknya film Toy Story 3. Bisnis dari waralaba Toy Story ini mendatangkan pendapatan hingga US$2,4 miliar (Rp21,6 triliun).


Kelebihan Joint Venture

  1. Kekuasaan dan hak suara didasarkan pada banyaknya saham yang ditanam oleh  masing-masing perusahaan pendiri
  2. Perusahaan joint venture tetap memiliki eksistensi dan kebebasan masing-masing
  3. Dapat memanfaatkan skala ekonomi dan spesialisasi
  4. Sumber informasi akan semakin lengkap karena adanya perbaikan komunikasi dan networking
  5. Sumber keuangan akan semakin besar


Kelemahan Joint Venture

  1. Tanggung jawab terhadap semua resiko dibagi antar masing-masing partner (perusahaan perusahaan yang berlainan)
  2. Resiko rahasia tersebar lebih besar
  3. Resiko tertipu oleh partner usaha lebih besar
  4. Hutang peerusahaan menjadi tanggung jawab bersama, dan seluruh harta jadi jaminannya


Contoh Joint Venture

Indofood dengan Nestle

Memantapkan penetrasi pasar di industri consumer goods, dua perusahaan papan atas yakni PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (Indofood) dan Nestle S.A (Nestle), Switzerland, membentuk perusahaan patungan (joint venture). Perusahaan joint venture itu adalah PT Nestle Indofood Citarasa Indonesia.

Perusahaan joint venture itu akan fokus di bisnis kuliner (bumbu penyedap makanan). Menurut CEO PT Indofood Anthoni Salim, pendirian usaha patungan baru ini, akan menciptakan peluang memperbesar pangsa pasar. Sebab, dua perusahaan besar ini akan saling memanfaatkan dan mengembangkan kekuatan yang dimiliki.


Kelebihan Kontrak Pabrikasi

1.      Resiko rendah finansial

2.      Memperkecil sumber daya yang dipakai

3.      Memfokuskan sumber daya pada elemen lain dalam rantai value chain


Kekurangan Kontrak Pabrikasi

1.      Pengendalian yang berkurang

2.      Mengurangi potensi pembelajaran

3.      Berpotensi tumbunya masalah

4.      Perlu memonitor kondisi kerja

Contoh Kontrak Pabrikasi

PT Ikapharmindo Putramas


Kelebihan Kontrak Manajemen

  1. Memfokuskan sumber daya perusahaan pada bidang keahliannya
  2. Keterpaparan finansial yang minim


Kekurangan Kontrak Manajemen

1.      Tingkat kembalian terbatas pada kontrak

2.    Dapat pula secata tidak sengaja mentransfer pengetahuan dan teknik mengenai kepemilikan kepada pihak yang dikontrak.


Contoh Kontrak Manajemen

Hotel Aston




Nama : Annisa Dewi U

NPM : 10215864

Kelas : 4EA13


  2. Mustika Ratu terbuka (tbk) adalah sebuah perusahaan dengan skala nasional yang didirikan pada tahun 1975 dengan memulai industrinya dalam skala kecil. Usaha Jamu dimulai dari garasi pendirinya yaitu Ibu BRA Mooryati Soedibyo dengan hanya membuat beberapa macam jamu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kerabatnya. Seiring dengan waktu serta mengingat bahwa jamu adalah sebuah peningggalan ilmu pengetahuan dari nenek moyang bangsa Indonesia yang perlu di lestarikan dan sangat digemari oleh kebanyakan masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya, maka PT. Mustika Ratu mulai mengembangkan usahanya kearah industry untuk dapat memenuhi permintaan pelanggannya. PT. Mustika Ratu mulai mengembangkan pasar ekspornya di tahun 1990 ke beberapa negara tetangga seperti Malaysia dan Brunei Darussalam, pemasaran internasional menjadi keharusan dengan adanya Asean Free Trade Agreement yang diberlakukan tahun 2003, dan tahun 2010 adalah China Asean Free Trade dimana batasan batasan untuk melakukan pemasaran di negara tetangga makin diperkecil, mau tidak mau persaingan menjadi sesuatu yang tak terelakan di berbagai belahan dunia pada masa mendatang. Sampai dengan saat ini PT. Mustika Ratu telah mengekspor produknya ke lebih dari 25 negara di dunia dengan berbagai strategi penetrasi pasar International. Persaingan di dunia International tentulah sangat ketat dimana kualitas produk, harga, distribusi, promosi memainkan peran yang sangat besar dalam menentukan keputusan konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian produk.
  3. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui screening technique yang digunakan dalam pemilihan distributor di luar negeri, untuk mengetahui sejauh mana hambatan – hambatan didalam pemasaran di Saudi Arabia, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan aspek legal, network, dan finance berpengaruh terhadap pemasaran Internasional PT. Mustika Ratu di Saudi Arabia danuntuk mengetahui kesulitan dalam pelaksanaan strategi pemasaran Internasional khususnya masalah Kualitas produk dan promosi .
  4. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan kuesioner terhadap 30 responden dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi pemasaran internasional PT. Mustika Ratu belum dilaksanakan dengan baik karena dari hasil penelitian hanya sekitar 60 % – 80 % dari strategi pemasaran internasional yang seharusnya dilakukan. Analisa SWOT dilakukan dengan pembobotan yang didapat dari kuesioner yang disebarkan, kemudian diambil proporsinya, sedangkan score didapat dari rata-rata kumulatif setiap pertanyaan kemudian diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan diagram kartesius, maka dapat terlihat elemen strength: tidak terlalu kuat tetapi pada elemen opportunity: masih terbuka lebar, sehingga strategi progresif adalah strategi yang tepat untuk dilaksanakan dalam pengembangan penjualan di Saudi Arabia.
  5. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut : -PT. Mustika Ratu telah menjalankan Market Screening Technique dengan mendapatkan score 83% yang kriteria ditentukan oleh pengalaman distributor, market size, jumlah outlet yang ditangani, jumlah populasi dan income perkapita. -Hambatan pemasaran dari segi legal, network dan finance dapat di analisa dari pertanyaan 11 sampai dengan 20 , dan dari hasil perhitungan kuesioner didapatkan score 64.1%, yang berarti masih terdapat hambatan pemasaran seperti peraturan yang ketat terkait registrasi Sumberproduk di Arab Saudi yang memakan waktu lebih kurang satu tahun,biaya registrasi mahal, biaya pengiriman barang yang cukup mahal,network yang terkendala oleh budaya setempat. Sistem konsinyasi yang mencapai tiga sampai empat bulan merupakan kendala dari segi finance. -Kualitas produk mempunyai score 68.7% hal ini mencerminkan bahwa produk Jamu Tea cukup dikenal, penjualan berada pada posisi yang sama selama tujuh tahun belakangan ,sedangkan dari segi promosi hanya mendapatkan score 63.1 % karena terkendala oleh budget promosi 10 %, Jarang melakukan pemasangan iklan, model wanita diberi aturan yang ketat , kegiatan public relations jarang dilakukan.




Indofood Tanggapi Penarikan Indomie di Taiwan

Http :


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Berdasarkan artikel tersebut ada 2 sudut pandang yang muncul

  1. Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk telah melakukan pelanggaran etika bisnis karena mengandung dua zat yang berbahaya untuk dikonsumsi manusia . Karena zat tersebut seharusnya digunakan untuk pembuatan kosmetik. Maka dari itu perusahaan harus bertanggung jawab terhadap konsumen .
  2. Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk tidak melakukan pelanggaran etika bisnis karena menurut kutipan berikut

“A Dessy Ratnaningtyas, seorang praktisi kosmetik menjelaskan, dua zat yang terkandung didalam Indomie yaitu methyl parahydroxybenzoate dan benzoic acid (asam benzoat) adalah bahan pengawet yang membuat produk tidak cepat membusuk dan tahan lama. Zat berbahaya ini umumnya dikenal dengan nama nipagin. Dalam pemakaian untuk produkkosmetik sendiri pemakaian nipaginini dibatasi maksimal 0,15%.Ketua BPOM Kustantinah juga membenarkan tentang adanya zat berbahaya bagi manusia dalam kasus Indomie ini.”

“Kustantinah menjelaskan bahwa benar Indomie mengandung nipagin, yang juga berada di dalam kecap dalam kemasam mie instan tersebut. tetapi kadar kimia yang ada dalam Indomie masih dalam batas wajar dan aman untuk dikonsumsi, lanjut Kustantinah.Tetapi bila kadar nipagin melebihi batas ketetapan aman untuk di konsumsi yaitu 250 mgper kilogram untuk mie instan dan 1.000 mg nipagin per kilogram dalam makanan lainkecuali daging, ikan dan unggas, akan berbahaya bagi tubuh yang bisa mengakibatkan muntah-muntah dan sangat berisiko terkena penyakit kanker.”

Kesimpulannya, perusahaan tidak melakukan pelanggaran etika bisnis sebab perusahaan sudah mengikuti standar yang ditetapkan, sebab perusahaan dalam hal penggunaan zat tersebut masih dalam tahap wajar.

Sumber :










































How to Know Your Passion ?


According to Abah Rama, passion is a situation where you can do an activity with the Enjoy, Easy and Excellent (you love to do, you can easily do it and you are good in doing it). We call it 3-E.

Passion will appear when you perform activities in accordance with certain inherent characteristics and have been there yourself the talent.

Passion will appear when you do anything according to your talents. When your talents are then honed well then talent will give good results for you.

So, how to find talent quickly? At least 3 of the following ways you can do :

  1. Expand Activities

You expand your activities so that your knowledge and experience grew.

  1. Learn Many New Skills

Learn new skills to be very challenging to do because with a strong will and intensive training for 20 hours,

  1. Perform Talent Test

This last point is actually incredible discovery of Abah Rama. You can find out where your talents and potential through a test you can do right now.

Opportunities and Challenges Indonesia facing AEC 2016

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) or the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is a form of economic integration of the ASEAN community. Free trade among ASEAN member countries in Southeast Asia aims to make ASEAN into a region that is stable, prosperous and competitive.

AEC describe the main characteristics in the form of a single market and production base, a competitive economic region and equitable economic development region and in the region fully into the global economic area.

Embodiments of AEC 2015 will put ASEAN as a region third largest market in the world backed by the third-largest number of population (256 million people) after China (1,367 billion people) and India (1,252 billion people). ASEAN trade liberalization will ensure the smooth flow of goods to the supply of raw materials in the ASEAN region due to tariff and non tariff barriers that do not exist anymore (smartplantersblog.wordpress.com 29 November 2014 “The potential of Indonesia in facing MEA”).

For Indonesia, the AEC will be a good opportunity for trade barriers tend to diminish even be non-existent. This will impact on increasing exports which in turn will increase the GDP of Indonesia. On the other hand, emerging new challenges for Indonesia in the form of commodities traded homogeneity problems, for example for agricultural commodities, rubber, wood products, textiles and electronic goods (Santoso, 2008).

On the investment side of this condition can create a climate that supports entry of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), which can stimulate the growth of technology, job creation, human resource development and easier access to the world market.

In the aspect of employment, the professionals who have the expertise that both can easily get a job and can easily work abroad because of the presence of AEC.

Challenges faced by Indonesia with the AEC that if Indonesia does not perform a variety of strategies that Indonesia will be left behind with other ASEAN member countries.



provide intelligence for the future

  • nutrical,tasty, practical and cheap
  • East contains 1,5000 kJ ( 500calories) in every 100 g of the powder, mostly from carbohydrates, mainly sugar.
  • The high calorie content means East Milk can be useful for preventing weight loss.
  • Contains amino acids,vitamin B2, vitamin B1, vitamin A, magnesium , iodine, calcium etc.
  • The content potassium can move the blood vessel walls so as to keeping it stable
  • Iron, copper and vitamin A in milk has the function of beauty, which can maintain the skin in order to shine.
  • Milk calcium can increase bone strength, shrink and prevent bone fractures

Modal Verbs

Modal verbs are a very important of the English language. The modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with other verbs to express various things like ability, obligation, possibility, and so on.

  1. Can

To express ability, permission, request, offer, suggestion, possibility.

Example :

  1. I can play piano
  2. Can I go to the bookstore ?
  3. Can you wait a moment, please ?
  4. Can we visit Nina at Saturday ?
  5. It can get very hot in Arizona.
  6. Could

To express ability, permission, polite question, polite request, polite offer, polite suggestion, possibility

Example :             

  1. I can speak mandarin
  2. Could I open the window ?
  3. Could I go to the cinema, please ?
  4. Could you accompany me to the bank ?
  5. Could I choose this book ?
  6. It could get very hot in Montana.
  7. Shall

To give suggestion

Example :

  1. Shall I carry your bag ?
  2. You shall take this notes
  3. Shall we say 1.30 then?
  4. Shall I do that or will you?
  5. We shall return the books this week end.
  6. Should

To give advice and obligation.

Example :

  1. You should drive carefully in bad weather.
  2. You should switch off the light when you leave the room.
  3. You should to stop smoking
  4. I think we should check everything again.
  5. Profits should increase next year.
  6. Will

Use for wish, request, demand, order  (less polite than would) and plan.

Example :

  1. Will you please shut the door ?
  2. I will go to Palembang
  3. Will you come to my party ?
  4. I think it will rain on Sunday.
  5. She’s strange, she’ll sit for hours without talking.
  6. Would

Use for wish, habits (in the past), request, preferences.

Example :

  1. Would you shut your mouth , please ?
  2. Sometimes he would bring me some flowers.
  3. Would you pass the sugar please?
  4. Would you like to play golf this Friday?
  5. Would you prefer tea or coffee?
  6. May

Use for possibility, permission, polite suggestion.

Example :

  1. It may rain today
  2. May I go to the Pondok Indah Mall ?
  3. May I help you ?
  4. May I borrow your dictionary ?
  5. May I have another cup of tea ?
  6. Might

Use for possibilty, permission.

Example :

  1. You might meet your dad .
  2. You might go home now
  3. She may be back in her office because the lecture finished ten minutes ago.
  4. We’d better phone tomorrow, they might be eating their dinner now.
  5. They might give us a 25% discount.
  6. Must

Use for necessity, prohibition, recommendation.

Example :

  1. I must go to the museum today.
  2. You must be tired
  3. You must see the new book from Dewi Lestari
  4. You must studying now, for examination tomorrow.
  5. I think you really must make more of an effort.



Online Shop

Online shop is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. Alternative names are: e-web-store, e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online store, online storefront and virtual store.

Nowadays many people prefer to shop online because of its numerous benefits. However, the practice has disadvantages as well as advantages. So, I want tell you about advantages and disadvantages online shop. Let’s started !

Advantages of Online Shop

  1. It makes products easy to find: Finding a product online is much easier than looking for it in the local store. In a store, you have to search for the product you want; if it’s not there, you may have to visit several locations, which is frustrating and time-consuming.
  2. Products are often more inexpensive: Products are often cheaper online than they are in stores. There are several reasons for this. For one, an online store doesn’t have the overhead costs of renting their location and paying for the electricity, AC, cashiers, etc. Also, sometimes a product can be much cheaper in another country than your country. In this case, it would be wise to shop online to save some money.
  3. It saves time and energy: You don’t have to waste your time going to stores, dealing with crowds, and standing in lines. The whole process of shopping from a local store becomes even ore time-consuming if you do not have your own car. You can solve all of these hassles by shopping online.
  4. Shopping online gives you access to a wider range of options: You have great freedom of choice when you shop online. The Internet provides a far wider range of products than that you would find in any local store.
  5. It’s easier to hunt for a great deal: You will also be able to enjoy the freedom of price flexibility. If you don’t like the price of a product from an online shop, you can switch to another to look for a cheaper price. Of course, you could also follow this procedure in a normal shop, but it would take more time and energy to do so.
  6. Customers are usually satisfied: Nowadays, shopping online is very reliable. Sellers are held accountable by user feedback and reviews. Even in online stores where you buy from other users, such as eBay, the percentage of satisfaction is very high. There, you will see that most of the sellers have 99%+ positive feedback.

Disadvantages of Online Shop

  1. There is a delay before receiving your package: The main disadvantage of online shopping is that there is no instant gratification. Because the item must be shipped to you, you will have to wait a few days. I sometimes prefer going to the store if I see that the delivery time is too long.
  2. You may receive an inferior product: Because you cannot hold the it and look at it in your hands, you don’t always know the quality of the product. Sometimes the description or photograph of the product might be of something slightly different. As a result, you might end up with an inferior-quality item.
  3. There can be delivery problems: Sometime you may face delivery risks. This means that the seller might fail to deliver the specified product or it deliver a product that has been damaged during shipping.
  4. It’s more difficult to return items: Returning an item is more difficult when you buy it online. If your seller accepts returns, they will usually want the item within a short period of time, and you will likely also have to pay for the shipping charges.
  5. There’s a danger of being scammed: As online shopping becomes more and more commonplace, the number of online scams is also increasing. This is why a buyer should always buy from trusted websites only—trusted websites will take care of any fraud in order to maintain their reputations.

Because this actions are full of scammed , I want give you tips top tips on how to stay safe and secure when shopping online. Let’s check this out  !




  1. Stick with trusted brands that have a strong reputation

Sticking with popular brands is as good as any advice when shopping online. Not only do you know what you’re getting by way of quality and price, but you also feel more confident that these well-established names have in place robust security measures.

However, be careful, as fraudsters often create fake and professional looking websites to lure in unsuspecting victims.

  1. Use credit cards and secure payment services instead of debit cards

As a general rule, credit cards, in comparison to debit cards, offer consumers additional protection when shopping online. The main advantage of the latter is that a credit card account is in no way linked to whatever funds you actually own. And that’s not all – there are other benefits too.

  1. Look out for https URL and the padlock symbol

https, which was developed by Netscape, is an online safety protocol that encrypts information so that data can be kept private and protected. In most cases, the text in the URL is preceded by a padlock symbol (if this is missing, the website should be treated with caution).The ‘s’ in https incidentally, stands for secure. Websites that use https are safe because they utilise SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to encrypt any information that is distributed online, such as your credit card details.


  1. Be wary of dodgy offers that are too good to be true

We have all come across a legitimately unbelievable offer and jumped on it with enthusiasm, glad to have been afforded the opportunity to purchase something at a fraction of its true cost

But that is rare. The old adage of “if it’s too good to be true, then it probably is” should inform how you shop online – caution is required because there are plenty of scams looking to hook you in with tempting offers. In some cases, the perpetrators are looking to simply infect your device.






  1. Opt for your mobile phone network over public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi is unquestionably something we as consumers now expect. From shops to cafes to restaurants, being able to access the internet with little or no cost is in tune with our connected way of living.

However, when it comes to buying online, all the convenience that comes with public Wi-Fi can be overshadowed by the many risks that are associated with this service. You’d be surprised at how unsecure many hotspots actually are and how easy they are to attack.

There are ample solutions to resolving the vulnerabilities associated with public Wi-Fi, but, in general, when out and about, opt to use data provided by your network provider when going online.


Provide suitable tenses

  1. While she was trying to read, her friend (practice) the piano.

While she was trying to read, her friend was practicing the piano.

  1. He (buy) several jerseys in the last two years.

He bought several jerseys in the last two years.

  1. She (bone) the meat later

She will bone the meat later.

  1. By the time you get there they already (leave).

By the time you get there they had already leave.

  1. I (drown). Nobody (save) me.

I drowned. Nobody save me.

  1. He said she not (return) the book yet.

He said she didn’t return the book yet.

  1. What you (darn) at the moment?

What you darning at the moment?

  1. She (think) her husband will buy a new fridge.

She thought her husband will buy a new fridge.

  1. How much you (spend) in London so far?

How much you have spent in London so far?


  1. In a month’s time I (learn) more words than ever.

In a month’s time I learned more words than ever.

  1. After he (see) the giraffe he spoke to the keeper.

After  he saw the giraffe he spoke to the keeper.

  1. He (buy) weed-killer when they arrested him.

He  bought weed-killer when they arrested him.

  1. The plumbing always (give) trouble during the summer.

The plumbing always gives trouble during the summer.

  1. The trout (rise) when they reached the lake.

The trout rising when they reached the lake

  1. You (recognize) this statue?

Do you recognize this statue?

  1. They say they not (perform) tomorrow.

They say they will not perform tomorrow

  1. What you (do) since your last recital?

What are you doing since your last retical?

  1. As it (rain) he put up his umbrella.

As it raining he put up his umbrella.

  1. They (hear) Beethoven better conducted earlier in the year.

They heard Beethoven better conducted earlier in the year.

  1. What (go) on here?

What is going on here?

  1. I only just (realize) what she meant.

I only just realized what she meant.


  1. I never (plant) crocuses again.

I have never planted crocuses again.

  1. You (enjoy) yourself when I saw you at the party?

Do you enjoying yourself when I saw you at the party?

  1. I (be) to the zoo and (go) while they are still talking about visiting it.

I was in the zoo and went while they are still talking about visiting it.

  1. She (dock) at Tilbury last week.

She docked at Tillbury last week.

  1. He always (accelerate) too quickly.

He always accelerates too quickly.

  1. You (hear) that awful noise?

Do you hear that awful noise?

  1. By the time the brigade arrived, the house (collapse).

By the time the brigade arrived, the house collapsed.

  1. I saw a new type of windscreen wiper while I (walk) round the exhibition yesterday.

I saw a new type of windscreen wiper while I walking round the exhibition yesterday.

  1. They (wait) to take off since ten this morning.

They are waiting to take off since ten this morning.

  1. She (shoot) at least three tigers in India last year.

She has shooted at least three tigers in India last years.

  1. We (see) what we (See)

We saw what we have seen.

  1. He heard an owl hooting as he (walk) through the wood.

He heard an owl hooting as he walking through the wood.


  1. They   (produce) a hundred shirts every day for two months now.

They producing a hundred shirts every day for two months now.

  1. Where you (go) when I bumped into you?

Where did you go when I bumped into you?

  1. Who (tell) the grasshopper to dance? The ant in the fable (do).

Who told the grasshopper to dance? The ant in fable did.

  1. They (wear) high heels every day last term.

They have wore high heels every day last term.

  1. What you (do) with a gun in your car?

What did you do with a gun in your car?

  1. He still not (find) his watch.

He still not found his watch.

  1. I (live) there several years before I found the nest.

I have live there several years before I found the nest.

  1. When it (sting) him?

When it stung him?

  1. She (like) cockles. Naturally she (prefer) lobster.

She likes cockles. Naturally she preferred lobster.

  1. Dragon-flies (have) very beautiful wings.

Dragon flies has very beautiful wings.

  1. Time and tide (wait) for no man, the saying (run).

Time and tide are waiting for no man, the saying “run”.

  1. I (buy) some new pruners the other day.

I bought some new pruners the other day.


  1. The girl in the pay box seldom (smile) nowadays.

The girl in the pay box seldom smile nowadays.

  1. The moment he (open) the boot the spare wheel fell out.

The moment he opening the boot the spare wheel fell out.

  1. Too many cooks (spoil) the broth.

Too many cooks spoiled the broth.

  1. He (leave) Italy by plane yesterday.

He left Italy by plane yesterday.

Exchange Rate Back Weakens

Last week after rising to Rp 13,000 by USD, now the rupiah weakened in the range Rp13.300 per US dollar. Yahoofinance launched on Tuesday (March23rd,2016), the rupiah fell 19 points, or 0.15 percent, to figure Rp13.350 by US dollar. The daily movement, the rupiah was observed to move in the range of Rp13.330-Rp13.360 by US dollar.

According to Bloomberg Dollar Index, Rupiah Exchange Rate on Spot trading in Asian markets contributed 17 points lower, or 0.13 percent, to figure Rp13.360 by US dollar. Previous closing stands at Rp13.342 by US dollar. Today, the rupiah to move in the range of Rp13.326-Rp13.360 by US dollar.

The strengthening of the US dollar is due to the belief of investors that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates this year in respect of improving US economic data. In addition there are also several other sentiments that encourage the strengthening of the US dollar is not the uncertainty in world oil prices also make the most of investors to buy up dollars. “No reason to remove the US dollar today, “said Chief Executive Officer FPG Securities Co., Tokyo, Koji Fukaya.

The rupiah weakened after the US central bank officials (Federal Reserve) suggests there are opportunities rate hike will be conducted in April 2016. As a result a number of currencies under pressure, including the rupiah jumped onto the 13,300 level in trading yesterday. Rangga Cipta Samuel Sekuritas analyst said the rupiah weakened up close on Monday despite a strengthening dollar eased against the exchange rate in Asia.

“Today’s announcement of an economic policy package XI as well as cuts in fuel prices could further reduce the pressure of the weakening rupiah,” he said in riset.Menurutnya, weakening the dollar index up early this morning also likely to restore positive sentiment on the rupiah today. “But they need to watch inflation Mar16th which is expected to rise, “he said.

Factor USA and China

From Koran Sindo, March 17th, 2016, some of the dominant factors that affect the movement of the rupiah is the first, Central American bank interest rates or the Fed will go up a few times in the year. The Fed’s interest rate hikes have an impact on investor capital outflows from developing countries or capital outflow. When foreign capital out of developing countries, developing country’s currency will depreciate.

Secondly, compared the effects of the Fed, the actual transaction data according to sensitivity of trade and economic impact, China’s bigger role in determining the direction of rupiah. As China’s economic growth slowed down 1%, the Indonesian economy will be corrected o, 11%. Compare this with a slowing American 1%, the impact to the Indonesian economy is only 0.05%.

China’s economic slowdown from double-digit age above 10% now to 6.5% and will survive the next few years, making faces increasingly grim global economy. Effect hard landing for the Chinese economy makes exports from developing countries such as Indonesia disrupted. China’s policy in terms of the devaluation of the yuan also makes the Indonesian export products to China less competitive because the price is too expensive. During 2015 was the value of Indonesian exports to China slumped from USD16,4 billion to USD 13.24 billion. The import value of China contracted decreased by 13.8% to USD 93.6 billion. The trade balance indicates that the effects of the economic slowdown will continue this year.

Ending Foreign Dependence

It should be noted that 63% more foreign funds parked in securities, while 38% in bonds. Excessive dependence on foreign funds led to fluctuations in the rupiah caused foreign investor sentiment was inevitable. Changes in the domestic foreign-fund structure finances seemed to slow responded by decision maker. In fact, funds that rotates inside a large sebenarnyacukup domestic economy, but has not added to capital markets.

To reduce the dominance of foreign funds, the other thing to do is increase the share of domestic in our financial markets. Savings pension funds in Indonesia are still stored in the form of deposits. While in developed countries the pension fund more than 80% entered into a letter berharaga or mutual funds. Because it needs a special regulation to force the managers of pension savings and insurance in order to put their funds in the form of securities.

The negative impact of the weakening of the rupiah against the US dollar

First, economic growth slowed. Indonesia’s economic growth in the second quarter-2015 slowdown, with growth of 4.6 percent. This figure is lower than the economic growth in the first quarter of 2015 by 4.7 percent.

Secondly, termination of employment (FLE) increases. Layoffs occurred in the industry which has been dependent on imported raw materials. Workers laid off continues to increase, along with the continued weakening of the rupiah against the US dollar.

Third, unemployment increased. Number of job seekers each year about 2.5 million people. With the economic growth that occurred earlier, many job seekers are still unemployed, now coupled with the laid-off workers.

Fourth, rising food inflation. Rising inflation in the field of food, so closely linked to past policies that import minded. Within 5 (five) years, inflation groceries each year to reach 60 percent.

Fifth, poverty increased. If the basic food items increased costs, income has not increased because of layoffs and unemployment, the poverty automatically increases.

Sixth, the purchasing power decreases. The logical consequence of rising prices of goods, especially groceries and income does not increase, even lost income because of layoffs and unemployment, then automatically decreased purchasing power.

Seventh, public welfare decreases. Impact spiral selanjutntya is menururnnya level of social welfare.

Eighth, community nutrition decreases. Impact of derivatives of 7 factors above, the automated community nutrition deteriorated. Through the first stage of an economic policy package, the government strives to prevent further decline in public nutrition.

Ninth, dropout rates increase, especially those in the private school and was studying in college.

Tenth, depression increased, according Kartono (2002) depression is gloom liver (pain, sadness, feelings opacity) pathological nature. Normally arise by a sense of inferiority, deep hurt, blaming yourself and psychological trauma. If depression was psychotic nature, then it is called melankholi. We hope economic policy package 1 that has been issued by President Jokowi, followed by policy package to 2 and 3, have an impact on the rupiah strengthened immediately.

The reason the dollar strengthened against the rupiah.

First, the growing economy in the United States.

Second, continued pressure due to a bad signal from the Fed Currently the Fed is planning to cut its bond purchases in May 2013, the composite stock price index or stock index and the exchange rate to fluctuate sharply. In this regard, raises concerns over the economic recovery in the United States, which may have an impact on the return of capital and influence the world financial traffic.

Third, the weak currency values ​​sweeping across the globe Due to the economic recovery in the United States, along with the stimulus cuts made by the Fed, have a positive impact on the strengthening of the dollar against major world currencies. When compared with the value of another country’s currency, the rupiah has not been too fell, but not as well in a safe position. Position is in the middle of the currencies of other countries, is also not so favorable.

Malaysian currency, which led ringgitlah depreciation against the US dollar it. Currently experiencing a decrease of approximately 16.79% return at their lowest point 17 years ago when the Asian financial crisis occurred in 1998. And there are many other countries that experienced a decline in the value of its currency against the US dollar. That Superpower, the impact to the entire world.

Fourth, commodity prices, Indonesia’s exports price plummeted weakening of the currency is happening in the world against the dollar, the effect on the declining demand for goods Indonesian export commodities, such as vegetable oil, coal, textiles and textile products, goods of base metals, processed rubber, or wood processed. Then, the price be dropped on the world market and affect the trade balance to finally add the weakness of the rupiah against the dollar.

Fifth, export performance deteriorated. Due to the sluggish demand for Indonesian export commodities, causing a decline in export kinreja. Which should happen is when the rupiah to weaken, exports should increase. However, due to falling prices and demand for commodities, the effect on the trade balance is very poor and this prompted the weakening of the rupiah.

Sixth, the import of goods is high. Somehow, whereas domestic products equally with other countries of processed products. However, a lot of people prefer foreign products are more visible according luxurious and elegant. Not only that, since 6 In recent years Indonesia import of capital goods and consumption increased drastically, its influence to press the trade balance. That is also the driving factors of the weakening of the rupiah since 2013. Although the past year has been a decline in imports of goods, but not significant enough in the weakening of the rupiah against the dollar.

Seventh, the last three years, the trade balance continued to decline. How could I not, after experiencing a decline in export commodity trading, certainly the trade balance also fell. This decrease can be seen from the data record on the activity of Bank Indonesia’s foreign trade by way of a free on board and trade ministries are always reported the results of a comprehensive trading activity.

Eighth, the time bomb relic of the old leader. The weakness of the rupiah has happened a few years back this. In addition to the internal factors that lead to the weakening of the rupiah, also caused the current account deficit from 2012. Despite trying hard, until now the government has not found the solution is to reverse the deficit turned into a surplus.

Ninth, together with Turkey and Brazil, which is also prone to the deficit. In addition to our country, Turkey, and Brazil is also a country prone to experiencing the current account deficit is quite high. Meanwhile, countries that have a current account surplus, the currency even more awake.

Tenth, Indonesian banks more cautious, though Malaysia and Russia deplete the country’s foreign exchange. Strengthening of the US dollar makes the countries that would be affected undertake foreign exchange intervention on the domestic market. While the Russian central bank has been draining the country’s foreign exchange to buy dollars to save the ruble, then infirmity can be detained at 44.9% in the last 6 months. But unlike that undertaken by Indonesian banks that hold even using foreign exchange. Perhaps by buying dollars is not necessarily able to strengthen the rupiah in the long term.

Then the main solution to be done in order not to be kept depressed rupiah is to improve the current account deficit by way of starting to build import substitution industries. Another step is recalled Devis export proceeds are still plenty of parking in banks abroad by way of example tax free interest on deposits of the export proceeds. The return of export proceeds is very important for Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves meyangga BI interests stabilize the rupiah.