Strategi Masuk ke Pasar Internasional

Kelebihan Ekspor

  1. Memperluas Pasar bagi produk Indonesia

Ekspor salah satu cara untuk memasarkan produk Indonesia ke pasar Internasional, sehingga produk yang dijual dikenal luas dan membuka banyak peluang pasar baru di berbagai negara.

  1. Menambah Devisa Negara

Dari Ekspor bisa menambah penerimaan devisa Negara, sehingga kekayaan negara bertambah karena Devisa Ekspor merupakan salah satu sumber penerimaan Negara.

  1. Memperluas Lapangan kerja

Dengan Ekspor, pasar barang dan jasa dari suatu negara menjadi lebih luas cakupannya, jumlah produk dan jasa yang dihasilkanpun bisa dilipatgandakan yang akibatnya permintaan terhadap tenaga kerja menjadi meningkat jumlahnya, sehingga dapat membuka banyak lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat.

  1. Transfer Teknologi

Perdagangan luar negeri memungkinkan suatu negara untuk mempelajari teknik produksi yang lebih effektive dan efisien dengan cara-cara manajemen yang lebih modern.

  1. Komoditas Berdaya Saing Tinggi

Produk-produk yang berbahan asli Indonesia dan mempunyai keunggulan tersendiri (absolute advantage) atau produk lain yang memiliki keunggulan komparatif (comparative advantage) memiliki peluang untuk pasar ekspor. Misalnya bahan-bahan seperti karet alam, kayu hutan tropis, agrobisnis, kerajinan dan lainnya, semua memiliki daya saing yang cukup tinggi di pasar ekspor.

Kelemahan Ekspor

  1. Menimbukan kelangkaan barang di dalam negeri

Tanpa pengaturan yang baik, ekspor bisa menimbulkan kelangkaan barang di dalam negeri.

  1. Menyebabkan eksploitasi besar – besaran sumber daya alam

Dengan adanya ekspor akan menyebabkan eksploitasi besar besaran terhadap sumber daya alam yang kita miliki.

Contoh Usaha Ekspor

  1. Wilmar Nabati Indonesia (pengekspor minyak sawit mentah/Crude Palm Oil). Berdasarkan data dari Kementerian Perindustrian, pada tahun 2011, sektor pengolahan kelapa/kelapa sawit memegang peranan sebesar 18,97 % dari total nilai ekspor di Indonesia, atau senilai dolar US. PT. Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, menurut MP Tumanggor (Komisaris PT. Wilmar Nabati Indonesia), memiliki nilai ekspor sebesar 7,9 miliar dolar US, atau 34 persen dari seluruh total nilai ekspor kelapa/kelapa sawit di Indonesia pada tahun 2011.



Kelebihan Pemberian Lisensi


  1. Kemudahan dan rendahnya biaya untuk memasuki sebuah pasar asing
    Pemberian lisensi tidak membutuhkan investasi ataupun pengetahuan serta kekuatan pemasaran di pasar asing. Licensor sebenarnya menggunakan manajemen, perlengkapan modal, dan pengetahuan licensee untuk mengeksploitasi pasar apa saja yang dilayani oleh licensee.
  2. Peluang untuk mengeksploitasi riset dan pengembangan yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya.
  3. Mengurangi risiko eksposur terhadap intervensi pemerintah
    Licensee biasanya merupakan perusahaan-perusahaan local yang dapat memberikan tuasan (leverage) terhadap tindakan pemerintah.
  4. Membantu untuk menghindari regulasi Negara tuan rumah yang lebih lazim dalam modal ventura
  5. Sebagai sebuah tahap dalam internasionalisasi perusahaan


Kelemahan Pemberian Lisensi

  1. Terbentuknya kompetitor potensial

Kurangnya pengawasan terhadap produksi dan pemasaran, kumungkinan eksplorasi pasar yang kurang lengkap dan kemungkinan pupusnya fleksibilitas karena sukar mengkoordinasikan licensee kedalam sebuah rencana pemasaran yang mendunia.

Dengan memberikan lisensi kepada sebuah perusahaan asing, perusahaan mungkin menghidupi seorang competitor di masa depan—seseorang yang memperoleh pengetahuan produksi dan teknologis.

  1. Terbatasnya hasil imbalan yang diberikannya

Meskipun tidak ada pengeluaran modal, royalty dan pendapatan dari pemberianlisensi tidaklah mudah didapat bagi licensor, yang mesti menginvestasikan waktu manajemen dan perekayasaan.

  1. Perkara pengendalian licensee

Walaupun kontrak harus menguraikan tanggungjawab dri kedua belah pihak, kesalahpahaman dan konflik dapat muncul dalam implementasinya. Kualitas produk yang tidak konsisten untuk semua Negara disebabkan oleh longgarnya kendali mutu dapat pula merusak reputasi sebuah sebuah produk atas basis dunia.

Contoh Usaha Pemberian Lisensi

  1. Disney Consumer Product (US$28,6 miliar setara Rp257,4 triliun)

Sekali lagi, Disney Consumer Products (Disney) tercatat sebagai perusahaan pemegang lisensi paling untung di dunia. Disney melaporan penjualan ritel dari produk berlisensi mencapai US$28,6 miliar (Rp257,4 triliun) pada tahun 2010 atau naik US$27,2 miliar (Rp244,8 triliun) dari tahun sebelumnya.


Sumber pemasukan Disney saat ini berasal dari waralaba lisensi Toy Stories yang meningkat seiring meledaknya film Toy Story 3. Bisnis dari waralaba Toy Story ini mendatangkan pendapatan hingga US$2,4 miliar (Rp21,6 triliun).


Kelebihan Joint Venture

  1. Kekuasaan dan hak suara didasarkan pada banyaknya saham yang ditanam oleh  masing-masing perusahaan pendiri
  2. Perusahaan joint venture tetap memiliki eksistensi dan kebebasan masing-masing
  3. Dapat memanfaatkan skala ekonomi dan spesialisasi
  4. Sumber informasi akan semakin lengkap karena adanya perbaikan komunikasi dan networking
  5. Sumber keuangan akan semakin besar


Kelemahan Joint Venture

  1. Tanggung jawab terhadap semua resiko dibagi antar masing-masing partner (perusahaan perusahaan yang berlainan)
  2. Resiko rahasia tersebar lebih besar
  3. Resiko tertipu oleh partner usaha lebih besar
  4. Hutang peerusahaan menjadi tanggung jawab bersama, dan seluruh harta jadi jaminannya


Contoh Joint Venture

Indofood dengan Nestle

Memantapkan penetrasi pasar di industri consumer goods, dua perusahaan papan atas yakni PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (Indofood) dan Nestle S.A (Nestle), Switzerland, membentuk perusahaan patungan (joint venture). Perusahaan joint venture itu adalah PT Nestle Indofood Citarasa Indonesia.

Perusahaan joint venture itu akan fokus di bisnis kuliner (bumbu penyedap makanan). Menurut CEO PT Indofood Anthoni Salim, pendirian usaha patungan baru ini, akan menciptakan peluang memperbesar pangsa pasar. Sebab, dua perusahaan besar ini akan saling memanfaatkan dan mengembangkan kekuatan yang dimiliki.


Kelebihan Kontrak Pabrikasi

1.      Resiko rendah finansial

2.      Memperkecil sumber daya yang dipakai

3.      Memfokuskan sumber daya pada elemen lain dalam rantai value chain


Kekurangan Kontrak Pabrikasi

1.      Pengendalian yang berkurang

2.      Mengurangi potensi pembelajaran

3.      Berpotensi tumbunya masalah

4.      Perlu memonitor kondisi kerja

Contoh Kontrak Pabrikasi

PT Ikapharmindo Putramas


Kelebihan Kontrak Manajemen

  1. Memfokuskan sumber daya perusahaan pada bidang keahliannya
  2. Keterpaparan finansial yang minim


Kekurangan Kontrak Manajemen

1.      Tingkat kembalian terbatas pada kontrak

2.    Dapat pula secata tidak sengaja mentransfer pengetahuan dan teknik mengenai kepemilikan kepada pihak yang dikontrak.


Contoh Kontrak Manajemen

Hotel Aston




Nama : Annisa Dewi U

NPM : 10215864

Kelas : 4EA13


  2. Mustika Ratu terbuka (tbk) adalah sebuah perusahaan dengan skala nasional yang didirikan pada tahun 1975 dengan memulai industrinya dalam skala kecil. Usaha Jamu dimulai dari garasi pendirinya yaitu Ibu BRA Mooryati Soedibyo dengan hanya membuat beberapa macam jamu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kerabatnya. Seiring dengan waktu serta mengingat bahwa jamu adalah sebuah peningggalan ilmu pengetahuan dari nenek moyang bangsa Indonesia yang perlu di lestarikan dan sangat digemari oleh kebanyakan masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya, maka PT. Mustika Ratu mulai mengembangkan usahanya kearah industry untuk dapat memenuhi permintaan pelanggannya. PT. Mustika Ratu mulai mengembangkan pasar ekspornya di tahun 1990 ke beberapa negara tetangga seperti Malaysia dan Brunei Darussalam, pemasaran internasional menjadi keharusan dengan adanya Asean Free Trade Agreement yang diberlakukan tahun 2003, dan tahun 2010 adalah China Asean Free Trade dimana batasan batasan untuk melakukan pemasaran di negara tetangga makin diperkecil, mau tidak mau persaingan menjadi sesuatu yang tak terelakan di berbagai belahan dunia pada masa mendatang. Sampai dengan saat ini PT. Mustika Ratu telah mengekspor produknya ke lebih dari 25 negara di dunia dengan berbagai strategi penetrasi pasar International. Persaingan di dunia International tentulah sangat ketat dimana kualitas produk, harga, distribusi, promosi memainkan peran yang sangat besar dalam menentukan keputusan konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian produk.
  3. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui screening technique yang digunakan dalam pemilihan distributor di luar negeri, untuk mengetahui sejauh mana hambatan – hambatan didalam pemasaran di Saudi Arabia, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan aspek legal, network, dan finance berpengaruh terhadap pemasaran Internasional PT. Mustika Ratu di Saudi Arabia danuntuk mengetahui kesulitan dalam pelaksanaan strategi pemasaran Internasional khususnya masalah Kualitas produk dan promosi .
  4. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan kuesioner terhadap 30 responden dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi pemasaran internasional PT. Mustika Ratu belum dilaksanakan dengan baik karena dari hasil penelitian hanya sekitar 60 % – 80 % dari strategi pemasaran internasional yang seharusnya dilakukan. Analisa SWOT dilakukan dengan pembobotan yang didapat dari kuesioner yang disebarkan, kemudian diambil proporsinya, sedangkan score didapat dari rata-rata kumulatif setiap pertanyaan kemudian diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan diagram kartesius, maka dapat terlihat elemen strength: tidak terlalu kuat tetapi pada elemen opportunity: masih terbuka lebar, sehingga strategi progresif adalah strategi yang tepat untuk dilaksanakan dalam pengembangan penjualan di Saudi Arabia.
  5. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut : -PT. Mustika Ratu telah menjalankan Market Screening Technique dengan mendapatkan score 83% yang kriteria ditentukan oleh pengalaman distributor, market size, jumlah outlet yang ditangani, jumlah populasi dan income perkapita. -Hambatan pemasaran dari segi legal, network dan finance dapat di analisa dari pertanyaan 11 sampai dengan 20 , dan dari hasil perhitungan kuesioner didapatkan score 64.1%, yang berarti masih terdapat hambatan pemasaran seperti peraturan yang ketat terkait registrasi Sumberproduk di Arab Saudi yang memakan waktu lebih kurang satu tahun,biaya registrasi mahal, biaya pengiriman barang yang cukup mahal,network yang terkendala oleh budaya setempat. Sistem konsinyasi yang mencapai tiga sampai empat bulan merupakan kendala dari segi finance. -Kualitas produk mempunyai score 68.7% hal ini mencerminkan bahwa produk Jamu Tea cukup dikenal, penjualan berada pada posisi yang sama selama tujuh tahun belakangan ,sedangkan dari segi promosi hanya mendapatkan score 63.1 % karena terkendala oleh budget promosi 10 %, Jarang melakukan pemasangan iklan, model wanita diberi aturan yang ketat , kegiatan public relations jarang dilakukan.



Opportunities and Challenges Indonesia facing AEC 2016

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) or the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is a form of economic integration of the ASEAN community. Free trade among ASEAN member countries in Southeast Asia aims to make ASEAN into a region that is stable, prosperous and competitive.

AEC describe the main characteristics in the form of a single market and production base, a competitive economic region and equitable economic development region and in the region fully into the global economic area.

Embodiments of AEC 2015 will put ASEAN as a region third largest market in the world backed by the third-largest number of population (256 million people) after China (1,367 billion people) and India (1,252 billion people). ASEAN trade liberalization will ensure the smooth flow of goods to the supply of raw materials in the ASEAN region due to tariff and non tariff barriers that do not exist anymore ( 29 November 2014 “The potential of Indonesia in facing MEA”).

For Indonesia, the AEC will be a good opportunity for trade barriers tend to diminish even be non-existent. This will impact on increasing exports which in turn will increase the GDP of Indonesia. On the other hand, emerging new challenges for Indonesia in the form of commodities traded homogeneity problems, for example for agricultural commodities, rubber, wood products, textiles and electronic goods (Santoso, 2008).

On the investment side of this condition can create a climate that supports entry of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), which can stimulate the growth of technology, job creation, human resource development and easier access to the world market.

In the aspect of employment, the professionals who have the expertise that both can easily get a job and can easily work abroad because of the presence of AEC.

Challenges faced by Indonesia with the AEC that if Indonesia does not perform a variety of strategies that Indonesia will be left behind with other ASEAN member countries.

Exchange Rate Back Weakens

Last week after rising to Rp 13,000 by USD, now the rupiah weakened in the range Rp13.300 per US dollar. Yahoofinance launched on Tuesday (March23rd,2016), the rupiah fell 19 points, or 0.15 percent, to figure Rp13.350 by US dollar. The daily movement, the rupiah was observed to move in the range of Rp13.330-Rp13.360 by US dollar.

According to Bloomberg Dollar Index, Rupiah Exchange Rate on Spot trading in Asian markets contributed 17 points lower, or 0.13 percent, to figure Rp13.360 by US dollar. Previous closing stands at Rp13.342 by US dollar. Today, the rupiah to move in the range of Rp13.326-Rp13.360 by US dollar.

The strengthening of the US dollar is due to the belief of investors that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates this year in respect of improving US economic data. In addition there are also several other sentiments that encourage the strengthening of the US dollar is not the uncertainty in world oil prices also make the most of investors to buy up dollars. “No reason to remove the US dollar today, “said Chief Executive Officer FPG Securities Co., Tokyo, Koji Fukaya.

The rupiah weakened after the US central bank officials (Federal Reserve) suggests there are opportunities rate hike will be conducted in April 2016. As a result a number of currencies under pressure, including the rupiah jumped onto the 13,300 level in trading yesterday. Rangga Cipta Samuel Sekuritas analyst said the rupiah weakened up close on Monday despite a strengthening dollar eased against the exchange rate in Asia.

“Today’s announcement of an economic policy package XI as well as cuts in fuel prices could further reduce the pressure of the weakening rupiah,” he said in riset.Menurutnya, weakening the dollar index up early this morning also likely to restore positive sentiment on the rupiah today. “But they need to watch inflation Mar16th which is expected to rise, “he said.

Factor USA and China

From Koran Sindo, March 17th, 2016, some of the dominant factors that affect the movement of the rupiah is the first, Central American bank interest rates or the Fed will go up a few times in the year. The Fed’s interest rate hikes have an impact on investor capital outflows from developing countries or capital outflow. When foreign capital out of developing countries, developing country’s currency will depreciate.

Secondly, compared the effects of the Fed, the actual transaction data according to sensitivity of trade and economic impact, China’s bigger role in determining the direction of rupiah. As China’s economic growth slowed down 1%, the Indonesian economy will be corrected o, 11%. Compare this with a slowing American 1%, the impact to the Indonesian economy is only 0.05%.

China’s economic slowdown from double-digit age above 10% now to 6.5% and will survive the next few years, making faces increasingly grim global economy. Effect hard landing for the Chinese economy makes exports from developing countries such as Indonesia disrupted. China’s policy in terms of the devaluation of the yuan also makes the Indonesian export products to China less competitive because the price is too expensive. During 2015 was the value of Indonesian exports to China slumped from USD16,4 billion to USD 13.24 billion. The import value of China contracted decreased by 13.8% to USD 93.6 billion. The trade balance indicates that the effects of the economic slowdown will continue this year.

Ending Foreign Dependence

It should be noted that 63% more foreign funds parked in securities, while 38% in bonds. Excessive dependence on foreign funds led to fluctuations in the rupiah caused foreign investor sentiment was inevitable. Changes in the domestic foreign-fund structure finances seemed to slow responded by decision maker. In fact, funds that rotates inside a large sebenarnyacukup domestic economy, but has not added to capital markets.

To reduce the dominance of foreign funds, the other thing to do is increase the share of domestic in our financial markets. Savings pension funds in Indonesia are still stored in the form of deposits. While in developed countries the pension fund more than 80% entered into a letter berharaga or mutual funds. Because it needs a special regulation to force the managers of pension savings and insurance in order to put their funds in the form of securities.

The negative impact of the weakening of the rupiah against the US dollar

First, economic growth slowed. Indonesia’s economic growth in the second quarter-2015 slowdown, with growth of 4.6 percent. This figure is lower than the economic growth in the first quarter of 2015 by 4.7 percent.

Secondly, termination of employment (FLE) increases. Layoffs occurred in the industry which has been dependent on imported raw materials. Workers laid off continues to increase, along with the continued weakening of the rupiah against the US dollar.

Third, unemployment increased. Number of job seekers each year about 2.5 million people. With the economic growth that occurred earlier, many job seekers are still unemployed, now coupled with the laid-off workers.

Fourth, rising food inflation. Rising inflation in the field of food, so closely linked to past policies that import minded. Within 5 (five) years, inflation groceries each year to reach 60 percent.

Fifth, poverty increased. If the basic food items increased costs, income has not increased because of layoffs and unemployment, the poverty automatically increases.

Sixth, the purchasing power decreases. The logical consequence of rising prices of goods, especially groceries and income does not increase, even lost income because of layoffs and unemployment, then automatically decreased purchasing power.

Seventh, public welfare decreases. Impact spiral selanjutntya is menururnnya level of social welfare.

Eighth, community nutrition decreases. Impact of derivatives of 7 factors above, the automated community nutrition deteriorated. Through the first stage of an economic policy package, the government strives to prevent further decline in public nutrition.

Ninth, dropout rates increase, especially those in the private school and was studying in college.

Tenth, depression increased, according Kartono (2002) depression is gloom liver (pain, sadness, feelings opacity) pathological nature. Normally arise by a sense of inferiority, deep hurt, blaming yourself and psychological trauma. If depression was psychotic nature, then it is called melankholi. We hope economic policy package 1 that has been issued by President Jokowi, followed by policy package to 2 and 3, have an impact on the rupiah strengthened immediately.

The reason the dollar strengthened against the rupiah.

First, the growing economy in the United States.

Second, continued pressure due to a bad signal from the Fed Currently the Fed is planning to cut its bond purchases in May 2013, the composite stock price index or stock index and the exchange rate to fluctuate sharply. In this regard, raises concerns over the economic recovery in the United States, which may have an impact on the return of capital and influence the world financial traffic.

Third, the weak currency values ​​sweeping across the globe Due to the economic recovery in the United States, along with the stimulus cuts made by the Fed, have a positive impact on the strengthening of the dollar against major world currencies. When compared with the value of another country’s currency, the rupiah has not been too fell, but not as well in a safe position. Position is in the middle of the currencies of other countries, is also not so favorable.

Malaysian currency, which led ringgitlah depreciation against the US dollar it. Currently experiencing a decrease of approximately 16.79% return at their lowest point 17 years ago when the Asian financial crisis occurred in 1998. And there are many other countries that experienced a decline in the value of its currency against the US dollar. That Superpower, the impact to the entire world.

Fourth, commodity prices, Indonesia’s exports price plummeted weakening of the currency is happening in the world against the dollar, the effect on the declining demand for goods Indonesian export commodities, such as vegetable oil, coal, textiles and textile products, goods of base metals, processed rubber, or wood processed. Then, the price be dropped on the world market and affect the trade balance to finally add the weakness of the rupiah against the dollar.

Fifth, export performance deteriorated. Due to the sluggish demand for Indonesian export commodities, causing a decline in export kinreja. Which should happen is when the rupiah to weaken, exports should increase. However, due to falling prices and demand for commodities, the effect on the trade balance is very poor and this prompted the weakening of the rupiah.

Sixth, the import of goods is high. Somehow, whereas domestic products equally with other countries of processed products. However, a lot of people prefer foreign products are more visible according luxurious and elegant. Not only that, since 6 In recent years Indonesia import of capital goods and consumption increased drastically, its influence to press the trade balance. That is also the driving factors of the weakening of the rupiah since 2013. Although the past year has been a decline in imports of goods, but not significant enough in the weakening of the rupiah against the dollar.

Seventh, the last three years, the trade balance continued to decline. How could I not, after experiencing a decline in export commodity trading, certainly the trade balance also fell. This decrease can be seen from the data record on the activity of Bank Indonesia’s foreign trade by way of a free on board and trade ministries are always reported the results of a comprehensive trading activity.

Eighth, the time bomb relic of the old leader. The weakness of the rupiah has happened a few years back this. In addition to the internal factors that lead to the weakening of the rupiah, also caused the current account deficit from 2012. Despite trying hard, until now the government has not found the solution is to reverse the deficit turned into a surplus.

Ninth, together with Turkey and Brazil, which is also prone to the deficit. In addition to our country, Turkey, and Brazil is also a country prone to experiencing the current account deficit is quite high. Meanwhile, countries that have a current account surplus, the currency even more awake.

Tenth, Indonesian banks more cautious, though Malaysia and Russia deplete the country’s foreign exchange. Strengthening of the US dollar makes the countries that would be affected undertake foreign exchange intervention on the domestic market. While the Russian central bank has been draining the country’s foreign exchange to buy dollars to save the ruble, then infirmity can be detained at 44.9% in the last 6 months. But unlike that undertaken by Indonesian banks that hold even using foreign exchange. Perhaps by buying dollars is not necessarily able to strengthen the rupiah in the long term.

Then the main solution to be done in order not to be kept depressed rupiah is to improve the current account deficit by way of starting to build import substitution industries. Another step is recalled Devis export proceeds are still plenty of parking in banks abroad by way of example tax free interest on deposits of the export proceeds. The return of export proceeds is very important for Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves meyangga BI interests stabilize the rupiah.

Soal Present Perfect dan Past Tense

Write the correct dorm of the verb in parentheses in each sentence. Choose only the simple past tense (examples: I worked, be took) or the perfect present tense (examples: I have worked, be has taken). Notice the two examples.
1. I (see) that movie already.
– I have seen that movie already
2. I (see) that movie yesterday.
– I saw that movie yesterday
3. I (read) that novel by Faulkner several times before.
– I have read that novel by Faulkner several times before
4. I (read) that novel again during my last vacation.
–  I read that novel again during my last vacation
5. Mr. Foster (study) Spanish at New York University last year.
– Mr. Foster studied at New York University last year
6. Mr. Foster (study) French in this class since last September.
– Mr. Foster had studied French in this class since  last September
7. Miss Cunningham (live) in Detroit from 1940 to 1946.
– Miss Cunningham lived in Detroit from 1940-1946
8. Miss Cunningham (live) in New York since the time.
– Miss Cunningham had lived in New York since the time
9. Our guests (have) a good time at the party last night.
– Our guests had a good time at the party last night
10. Our guests (have) a good time ever since their arrival.
– Our guests have had a good time ever since their arrival.
11. Dr. and Mrs. Duncan (see) the Coliseum  in Rome in 1948.
– Dr. and Mrs. Duncan saw the Coliseum in Rome in 1948
12. Dr. Duncan (see) the Statue of Liberty hundreds of times.
– Dr. Duncan had seen the Statue of Liberty hundreds of times.
13. The Browns (be) in Detroit twice since Christmas.
– The Browns was in Detroit twice since Christmas.
14. The Browns (be) in San Fransisco the week before last.
– The Browns had been in San Fransisco the week before last.
15. My wife and I (travel) by air many times in the past.
– My wife and I have traveled by air many times in the past.
16. My wife and I (travel) to Mexico by air last summer.
– My wife and I traveled to Mexico by air last summer.
17. The students (finish, finally) that exercise!
– The students finally finished that exercise!
18. The students (start) that exercise about three hours ago.
– The students have started that exercise about three hours ago.
19. We (receive) the boy’s telegram at 08:00 p.m. last night.
– We received the boy’s telegram at 08:00 p.m. last night.
20. We (send, already) them a special delivery reply.
– We have sent them a special delivery reply already.
21. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson (visit) Paris before the last war.
– Mr. and Mrs. Hanson visited Paris before the last war.
22. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson (visit) Paris many times since the war.
– Mr. and Mrs. Hanson have visited Paris many times since the war.
23. We (study) almost every lesson in this book so far.
– We have studied almost every lesson in this book so far.
24. We (study) a very hard lesson the day before yesterday.
– We studied a very hard lesson the day before yesterday.
25. I (have) a little trouble with my car last week.
– I had a little trouble with my car last week.
26. However, I (have) no trouble with my car since then.
– However, I have had no trouble with my car since then.
27. We (watch, never) the television program.
– We never have watched the television program.
28. We (watch) an interesting program on television last night.
– We watched an interesting program on television last night.
29. That tell fellow (work) here for the past three weeks.
– That tell fellow worked here for the past three weeks.
30. Formerly, he (work) for the A.B.C. Company in Boston.
– Formerly, he had worked for the A.B.C. Company in Boston.
31. Mr. Shaw is my English teacher. He (teach) here for six years.
– Mr. Shaw is my English teacher. He have had here for six years.
32. He (finish) his Ph. D. at Yale University seven years ago.
– He finished his Ph. D. at Yale University seven years ago.

Present Perfect and Past Tense

Hi guys in this post I would like to discuss about the differences between “Present Perfect” and “Past Tense.

Present Perfect Tense
We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. You CANNOT use the Present Perfect with specific time expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc. We CAN use the Present Perfect with unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc.
Verbal sentence:

(+) S + HAVE/HAS + V III
(-) S + HAVE/HAS (NOT) + V III
(?) HAVE/HAS + S + V III ?

For subject I, We, You, They used have and subject He, She, It used has.

Example :
(+) We have studied Korean since two months ago.
(-) We have not studied Korean since two months ago
(?) Have we studied Korean since two months ago ?

(+) Mr. and Mrs. Smith have lived in that house for eleven years.
(-) Mr. and Mrs. Smith have not lived in that house for eleven years.
(?) Have Mr. and Mrs. Smith live in that house for eleven years ?

(+) I have cleaned my bedroom for several minute
(-) I have cleaned my bedroom for several minute
(?) Have you cleaned your bedroom for several minute ?
Nominal sentence:





NON VERB such as noun, adjective, adverb.
Example :
(+) We have been here since two o’clock.
(-) We have not been here since two o’clock.
(?) Have we been here since two o’clock ?

(+) Biyan has worked in that company since he graduated
(-) Biyan has not been worked in that company since he graduated.
(?) Has Biyan worked in that company since he graduated ?

(+) He has been healthy since a week ago
(-) He hasn’t been healthy since a week ago
(?) Has he been healthy since a week ago ?
If the question used to not ask the subject then the sentence of question become :
For subject I, We, You, They :

QW + have + Subyek + been + Non verb ?
For subject He, She, It :

QW + has + Subyek + been + Non verb ?

Example :
• How has he been?
(Bagaimana keadaan dia?)
• Where have they been?
(Dimanakah mereka berada?)
If the question used to ask the subject then the sentence of question become :
Question Word + has + been + Non verb?
Contoh :
Who has been in your house since yesterday?
(Siapa yang telah berada di rumahmu sejak kemarin?)
Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense ( Form simple past ) is a form of time used to describe events or actions undertaken at a specific moment in the past in a simple form . When the event happens or the act is known . Simple past tense use adverb of time such as yesterday, last night, last month, this morning, five minutes ago, two days ago, in 1990, etc.
(+) Subyek + V2
(-) Subyek + did + not + V1
(?) Did + Subyek + V1 ?
Example :

1. (+) He studied Math last night.
(-) He did not study Math last night.
(?) Did he study Math last night ?

2. (+) We went to Europe last month.
(-) We did not go to Europe last month.
(?) Did we go to Europe last month ?

3. (+) I wrote a letter yesterday.
(-) I didn’t write a letter yesterday.
(?) Did I write a letter yesterday ?


Formula :

(+) S + were/was + Non Verb
(-) S + were/was + not + Non Verb
(?) Were/was + S + Non Verb

(+) You were here yesterday
(-) You were not here yesterday
(?) Were you here yesterday ?

(+) They were sick two days ago.
(-) They were not sick two days ago.
(?) Were they sick two days ago ?

(+) We were happy yesterday
(-) We were not happy yesterday
(?) Were we happy yesterday ?


1 yesterday kemarin
2 yesterday morning kemarin pagi
3 yesterday afternoon kemarin sore
4 the day before yesterday kemarin lusa
5 this morning tadi pagi
6 this noon tadi siang
7 just now baru saja
8 last night tadi malam
9 last week minggu lalu
10 last month bulan lalu
11 last year tahun lalu
12 last Sunday hari Minggu yang lalu
13 last Friday hari Jum’at yang lalu
14 last April bulan April yang lalu
15 last July bulan Juli yang lalu
16 a moment ago baru saja
17 an hour ago satu jam yang lalu
18 two days ago dua hari yang lalu
19 a few days ago beberapa hari yang lalu
20 three weeks ago tiga minggu yang lalu
21 a year ago setahun yang lalu
22 a month ago sebulan yang lalu
23 a few minutes ago beberapa menit yang lalu
24 seven days ago tujuh hari yang lalu
25 saveral days ago beberapa hari yang lalu

So, from the explanation on the above we can conclude that, the difference between “Present Perfect” and “Past Simple” is TIME.
We must make sure the time of sentence will we make.